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How to Get Old Quickly

Go get a YouTube video you made in 2007 and put it on your blog.

So here it is. Back in the day, this quality was the best. It was known as “broadcast quality” suitable for television. In those days, TV standards were much higher, strangely enough, and very strict. You had to satisfy all sorts of technical requirements to get an advertisement to air. The equipment shown in the video below was able to achieve those standards, which don’t show of course because of the YouTube conversion of the original – even so, the original today would not be accepted for application on a mobile phone.

In fact, when I first was involved in producing for television, I would head up to the edit suite of the television station where I was fortunate to direct the highly trained editors. I knew nothing about the technical requirements. The creativity very much interested me. A fabulous medium, since denigrated. Two pieces of equipment were used primarily, one, an A B tape that stood seven feet high, which cost about $500,000.00, and a title machine which cost about $300.000.00. This was around the late nineties, I think.

Then digital came along and changed everything. I bought camera equipment and an editing computer – top range (and thrown out as useless in today’s world) – for a total of about $25,000.00. This equipment made the video below.

In a matter of a few short years, the million-dollar equipment used at the television station was superseded by what you could film on your mobile phone, and an editing program was available for free that was also vastly superior.

Here ’tis. As you’ll see, the painting created is used in the headers for the art courses site, and features on the front page of this one. Terrific painting, and I’m sorry I included it in a community project and a deal on several associated paintings which I shouldn’t have done.

Speaking of losing things. Focused on my work, I didn’t update that YouTube channel and forgot the password. “Never mind, I’ll deal with it later,” was the general thought response until then YouTube was bought out and if you didn’t have a password, too bad. There’s no way to contact anyone and the videos sit there at the company’s bequest.